For more than 40 years Fiocchetti, Italy has been manufacturing Refrigerators and Freezers for dedicated use in Laboratories, Research Centers and Hospitals. Fiocchetti equipments are synonym of reliability and safety. The new range of Fiocchettisequipments features an attractive, stylish design and improved performance, to preserve valuable samples. Single or double temperature range REFRIGERATORS, FREEZERS, COMBINED (Refrigerator + Freezer) and ICE FLAKERS are available in a vast range of capacities and dimensions
Fiocchetti Ice Flakers are most suitable for continuous and professional use thanks to the strong construction, the high quality components, the safe ice production and the accurate testing. Available in cube or flake version, air or water cooled and with a different daily production.Ice Flakers with sturdy construction, high quality components, a safe ice making process and the accurate testing.